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Multiplayer learning

People learn the way they work. Together.

Multi-player learning allows groups of people to join forces to solve challenges (problem-based learning) and exchange ideas (peer-to-peer learning).

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Learning in sync

Online or offline

Fun while learning

Social engagement

A new paradigm for learning

Digital learning doesn't have to feel lonely and disconnected

Multi-player learning brings the missing ingredients to the online learning space
Feedback from peers
Social learning
Collective intelligence

a platform for all learning contexts

Online learning together with colleagues
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Deploying learning content that is collaborative, social and team-based is at the core of Teamlearn.

Experiential classroom training sessions
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An e-learning platform that works just as well in the classroom. Deliver engaging digital games and simulations to make the most of their training days.

Digitally assisted training sessions for any topic

Create digital learning resources for any context, to benefit from advanced analytics, more engaging experiences and better impact.

how it works

All content build in Teamlearn is automaticaly adapted for Collaboration

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Build content assisted by our AI creator

Use the platform to create any type of multi-player learning content, from collaborative case studies to experiential training games.

Deploy collaborative learning paths

The system takes care of calendar invitations, reminders, audio-video support and every aspect of a successful training session.

People join the session and cover course content together

People click the invite and join a training session with their peers, go through the course and solve the exercises.

Multiplayer features

What you need to make learning multiplayer

Multiplayer learning requires a set of features that are not found in traditional LMS or LXP

Audio-Video integration

People hear and see each other during the session

Synchronous actions

Everyone can contribute to the course dynamics

Ai tutor

Our Ai tutor will guide them throughout the course

Individual analytics

Even if they work as a group, the analytics are at an individual level

Question & Answer

multiplayer learning is the future of learning

Do people need to download an app?

No. The system work with any modern web browser.

Do people need to be remote?

No. The system can be deployed both as a remote training solution and as a classroom training solution.

Do people need to have an account?

No. The system allows for people to join as "guests", just by entering their email address and the session code.